What Is A Head-on Truck Accident?

A head-on truck accident occurs when a truck collides with another vehicle in the front, often traveling in opposite directions. These crashes can be extremely dangerous because the force of both moving vehicles multiplies the impact, causing severe injuries or death.

Understanding how head-on collisions happen and who’s responsible for your damages is essential when filing a truck accident claim in Washington, D.C. Reach out to our personal injury lawyers at Lightfoot Law, PLLC today.

How Head-On Truck Accidents Occur

Head-on truck accidents happen for various reasons, often involving avoidable risk factors. Below are a few of the most common ways these crashes occur:

  • Wrong-Way Driving: Sometimes, a driver enters the highway or road in the wrong direction, possibly due to confusion, poor signage, or impairment. When a large truck is going the wrong way, the force of the crash can be devastating for everyone involved.
  • Distracted Driving: Texting, eating, or even messing around with in-cab technology can take a truck driver’s attention off the road. When this happens, even for a second, it can cause a truck to drift into oncoming traffic, causing a serious accident. 
  • Driver Fatigue: Truckers are often under pressure to meet strict deadlines, which may cause them to skip rest breaks. When a driver is battling extreme tiredness, it becomes harder to stay alert and keep the truck in its lane.
  • Dangerous Passing Maneuvers: Passing on a two-lane road requires skill and timing. If a driver – the truck driver or another driver – misjudges the distance or speed of oncoming vehicles, they could end up in a head-on collision.

If you’ve been hurt in a head-on truck accident, it’s crucial to reach out to an experienced attorney who can help you understand your rights and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Head-on truck accidents

Determining Fault in a Head-On Collision

Determining fault in a head-on truck accident can be complicated because multiple parties often have roles in causing or contributing to a crash. Below are some of the most common groups that can be held liable:

Truck Driver 

Truck drivers who drive while distracted, under the influence, or fatigued can cause serious head-on collisions. If they break traffic rules or fail to stay in their lane, they may be directly responsible for the accident.

Trucking Company 

The trucking company might bear fault if it pushes drivers to meet unrealistic schedules or doesn’t properly maintain its vehicles. It could also be liable if it hired an inexperienced or unqualified driver who then caused the crash.

Parts Manufacturer or Maintenance Provider 

If a defective part or poor repair work leads to a sudden brake or steering failure, the parts manufacturer or the maintenance provider may be at fault. An inspection of the truck’s maintenance records can help identify if these problems played a role.

Other Drivers 

In some cases, the head-on collision might be set in motion by another motorist’s careless actions, such as forced merging or sudden lane changes. Even if that third driver isn’t involved in the accident directly, they can still share the blame for creating the situation that led to the crash.

Government or Road Agencies 

If road design flaws, missing signs, or neglected potholes cause a driver to drift into oncoming traffic, the agency in charge of maintaining that roadway could be at least partially liable for the head-on accident.

If you’ve been hurt in a head-on truck accident, an experienced accident attorney at Lightfoot Law, PLLC can help you identify all responsible parties and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.