Our Blog Category: Personal Injury

A jackknife accident occurs when a truck’s trailer swings outward at a sharp angle to the cab, forming a “V” shape that looks like a folding pocketknife. This usually happens with large commercial vehicles, such as 18-wheelers and semi-trucks, when a driver brakes suddenly or loses control of the trailer. The unexpected maneuver can cause…

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The Sleep Foundation warns drivers that drowsy driving and drunk driving share similar alarming characteristics, including delayed reaction times, impaired judgment, and decreased alertness. Adults require seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function at their best. A AAA study shows that missing three hours of sleep per 24-hour period more than quadruples…

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A wrongful death claim in Washington D.C. serves to compensate family members who have lost a loved one due to the negligent or malicious actions of another. It is critical to prove specific elements so that the courts recognize there was a wrongful death, authorizing surviving relatives to pursue justice and fair financial restitution for…

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